Sunday 11 December 2011

Paper Plate Angel

Here's what you'll need...
• Paper plate
• Scissors
• Yarn (your choice of hair color)
• Yellow construction paper
• Black marker
• Glue
• Paint and brush (optional)
• Stickers or other decorations (optional)
Here's how you make it...

1. In the middle of the plate, cut 2 slits on either side. Don't cut all the way across! In the middle of the 2 slits, cut into the paper plate making a circle for the angel's head. Leave about 1/2 of "uncut" paper plate between the angel's head and the 2 slits (none of the paper plate is actually cut out)

2. Now you can fold back the angel's wings, and fold forward the angel's arms or robe (see picture). Now you're ready to paint and decorate your angel if you choose.

3. Once your paint is dry you will need make a circle from your yellow paper, a little bigger than your angel's head. Glue it onto the back of the head to make the angel's halo and you may also need to glue down the angels arms.

4. Now you are ready to add your angel's hair. Cut 5-6 pieces of yarn, unravel at the ends if you wish, and glue onto the angels head. Don't forget to draw on your angel's eyes and mouth! If you want to hang you angel up, tie a piece of yarn, twine, or fishing line around the wings! You're done, great job!